OEA Community Network

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The Community Network was created to provide a virtual space to better connect communities with each other and with government for meaningful, sustained dialogue. It is one part of government’s efforts to engage with and support underrepresented and underserved communities, and was a requirement established in the Dismantling Racism and Hate Act.

As outlined in the Equity and Anti-Racism Strategy released in July 2023, the core functions and intent of the Community Network are outlined below.

  1. Creating Connections – The Community Network will help facilitate connections between the community, government departments, and organizations throughout the province to converge on emerging issues, exchange promising practices, showcase and cross-promote initiatives, and coordinate resources, events, and programs.
  2. Information & Supports - The Community Network will serve as a platform for members to access information as well as supports to respond to and help address address systemic hate, inequity, and racism. This includes the Community Network Grant program which provides financial support to community-based organizations for projects.
  3. Tools & Resources - Network participants will have access to an evolving range of resources, including but not limited to: anti-racism materials, funded capacity building, toolkits, policy support, and training. Network members will also have access to a curated calendar of events and engagement learning opportunities.

The Community Network will employ a strategy that emphasizes serving underserved and underrepresented populations and aims to ensure maximum inclusivity and participation for Nova Scotians. For the purpose of the CN, we are defining underserved and underrepresented groups as follows:

  • An underrepresented community refers to a group of people who are not adequately represented or have limited presence or visibility in certain domains or contexts, such as social, political, economic, educational, or cultural spheres. These communities typically experience marginalization, discrimination, or exclusion due to various factors, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.
  • The term “underserved” implies that the community is not receiving/has not received an adequate level of support or attention from institutions, organizations, or government agencies. This lack of access can manifest in various areas, including health care, education, employment, housing, transportation, and social services.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Network member that contributes to the platform, please fill out the application to the right of this page, and email it to oeaengagement@novascotia.ca.

Please note that this page contains third-party information and links to external websites, which are displayed for general information sharing purposes only. Despite any contrary representations in the Terms of Use, the Government of Nova Scotia does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy of this content.

The Community Network was created to provide a virtual space to better connect communities with each other and with government for meaningful, sustained dialogue. It is one part of government’s efforts to engage with and support underrepresented and underserved communities, and was a requirement established in the Dismantling Racism and Hate Act.

As outlined in the Equity and Anti-Racism Strategy released in July 2023, the core functions and intent of the Community Network are outlined below.

  1. Creating Connections – The Community Network will help facilitate connections between the community, government departments, and organizations throughout the province to converge on emerging issues, exchange promising practices, showcase and cross-promote initiatives, and coordinate resources, events, and programs.
  2. Information & Supports - The Community Network will serve as a platform for members to access information as well as supports to respond to and help address address systemic hate, inequity, and racism. This includes the Community Network Grant program which provides financial support to community-based organizations for projects.
  3. Tools & Resources - Network participants will have access to an evolving range of resources, including but not limited to: anti-racism materials, funded capacity building, toolkits, policy support, and training. Network members will also have access to a curated calendar of events and engagement learning opportunities.

The Community Network will employ a strategy that emphasizes serving underserved and underrepresented populations and aims to ensure maximum inclusivity and participation for Nova Scotians. For the purpose of the CN, we are defining underserved and underrepresented groups as follows:

  • An underrepresented community refers to a group of people who are not adequately represented or have limited presence or visibility in certain domains or contexts, such as social, political, economic, educational, or cultural spheres. These communities typically experience marginalization, discrimination, or exclusion due to various factors, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.
  • The term “underserved” implies that the community is not receiving/has not received an adequate level of support or attention from institutions, organizations, or government agencies. This lack of access can manifest in various areas, including health care, education, employment, housing, transportation, and social services.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Network member that contributes to the platform, please fill out the application to the right of this page, and email it to oeaengagement@novascotia.ca.

Please note that this page contains third-party information and links to external websites, which are displayed for general information sharing purposes only. Despite any contrary representations in the Terms of Use, the Government of Nova Scotia does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy of this content.

  • Community Infrastructure, Active Transportation, and Access-Ability grants for the fiscal year 2025-26 are now open!

    Share Community Infrastructure, Active Transportation, and Access-Ability grants for the fiscal year 2025-26 are now open! on Facebook Share Community Infrastructure, Active Transportation, and Access-Ability grants for the fiscal year 2025-26 are now open! on Twitter Share Community Infrastructure, Active Transportation, and Access-Ability grants for the fiscal year 2025-26 are now open! on Linkedin Email Community Infrastructure, Active Transportation, and Access-Ability grants for the fiscal year 2025-26 are now open! link

    The Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage's ACCESS-Ability Funding Programs are now open. Applications are being accepted for several streams until April 14, 2025. Visit https://cch.novascotia.ca/ for more information.

    What programs are available?

    Who can apply?

    • Registered non-profit societies
    • Mi’kmaw Band Councils
    • Municipalities and villages
    • Schools and post-secondary institutions with facilities available for community recreational use

    Important date to remember:

    • Application Deadline: February 14th, 2025

    Contact a CCTH Program Expert to discuss your proposal:

  • 2024-25 Community Network Grant

    Share 2024-25 Community Network Grant on Facebook Share 2024-25 Community Network Grant on Twitter Share 2024-25 Community Network Grant on Linkedin Email 2024-25 Community Network Grant link

    As part of the Equity and Anti-Racism Strategy, funding is available for community-based organizations who support underrepresented and underserved communities to undertake projects that align with the goals of the strategy to address systemic hate, inequity, and racism. Through the Community Network Grant program, Community-based organizations can apply for funding of up to $40,000 per project.

    The 2024-25 Community Network Grant application deadline was October 31, 2024. Please follow this page for updates on the grants and other funding opportunities.

  • Survey on employee's perspectives and experiences of psychological safety in the workplace

    Share Survey on employee's perspectives and experiences of psychological safety in the workplace on Facebook Share Survey on employee's perspectives and experiences of psychological safety in the workplace on Twitter Share Survey on employee's perspectives and experiences of psychological safety in the workplace on Linkedin Email Survey on employee's perspectives and experiences of psychological safety in the workplace link

    Researchers at Saint Mary's University are conducting research on employees' experiences of safety and well-being at work. The information gained from this study will people to better understand what psychological safety means to employees from diverse backgrounds. You can participate in this study by completing this survey: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management.

  • Find grants offered through the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage

    Share Find grants offered through the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage on Facebook Share Find grants offered through the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage on Twitter Share Find grants offered through the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage on Linkedin Email Find grants offered through the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage link

    The Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage recently launched a site to help users find grants that provide program and event funding for arts, culture and heritage, sport and recreation, cultural identity and languages, and tourism.

    Grants and funding programs are available for:

    • businesses
    • individuals
    • non-profit groups (like charities, community groups and social enterprises)

    For more information, visit the website.

Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 10:27 AM